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Wednesday, September 28, 2005 // 9/28/2005 05:34:00 PM
Title:test your faith
THE IMPORTANCE OF RESEARCH "It ain't what you don't know that will hurt you; it's what you know that ain't so." -- Ambrose Bierce. We all think we know a great many things about the world. Many -- perhaps most -- of the things we think we know are not true. Many of those false things we think we know are true we find very, very hard to question. Here are some assertions made by researchers during the past 15 years or so. I have read all of these. There appears to be much evidence to support all of these allegations.They may be shocking to you. They will all shock someone -- including other "experts. " Many people will feel strongly that these assertions must be wrong, since they contradict long- and strongly-held convictions. Many people will feel so strongly on these subjects, that they wi ll be unable to look at the evidence fairly and decide the truth or falsehood of the statements upon the strength of the evidence alone. Thinking seriously about these assertions will help you recognized that your view of the world is based upon many preconceived ideas" and convictions which may, in fact, be seriously wrong. It will show you how hard it is to seriously question one's own preconceived ideas. Therefore, it should show you how important it is to question your own ideas. 1. The Jesus Christ of history was a communist, a revolutionary, and a rebel against the Jewish upper classes and against the Romans. His brother James succeeded him and actually led the great Jewish uprising of 66 - 73 A.D. in its early stages. Jesus had no interest in non-Jews, and certainly never thought he was God. (S.G.F. Brandon, The Trial of Jesus of Nazareth.) 2. Joan of Are was not a poor peasant girl, but a royal princess. She was not burnt at the stake in 1431, but survived for about 10 years after that. A member of the French royal family set up the whole deception to rally support behind the French ki ng in the war against the English. (Florence Maquart, Jehanne la Pucelle). 3. Benjamin Franklin was a double agent who passed secrets of the American revolutionary government to the British while he was ambassador to France during the American revolution. (Richard Deacon, "Famous British Historian Claims Benjamin Franklin Was A British Spy," Argosy, July 1970) 4. Nathan Hale was a war criminal who was hanged by the British in September, 1776, for engaging in a plot to burn down the city of New-York. (Thomas Fleming, "The True Story of Nathan Hale," New York Magazine, July 1976.) 5. British and U.S. government officials deliberately set up the U.S. passenger ship "Lusitania" to be sunk by the Germans in 1915, in order to prepare U.S. public opinion for entering the war on the side of Great Britain. (Colin Simpson, The Lusitania) 6. In 1933 the head of the American Legion and a representative of the banking firm of J.P. Morgan and Sons approached a retired Marine Corp General, General S. P. Butler, to ask him to lead a fascist coup, or military seizure of power, against Presi dent Franklin Roosevelt. (Jules Archer, The Plot to Seize the White House) 7. President Franklin Roosevelt deliberately set out to force Japan to declare war on the U.S. in 1941, and left Pearl Harbor undefended even though his Administration, and probably Roosevelt himself, knew of the attack days before it took place. (John Toland, Infamy, and many other books.) 8. The Tsar of Russia and his family were not executed in 1918 by the Communists during the Civil War that took place after the Russian Revolution. The story that they had done so was spread by anti-Communist "white" Russian forgeries in an attempt to try to make their enemies look bad. (Somers and Mangold, The File on the Tsar) 9. The United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, in August, 1945 to intimidate the U.S.S.R. and to insure that the Soviets took no part in the occupation of Japan. James Byrnes, Pres. Truman's Secretary of War, revealed this in his memoirs, and he is only one of many who did. The U.S. population was told the bombs were dropped to "save hundreds of thousands of U.S. casualties" which an invasion of Japan would cost. But Japan was negotiating for peace as early as June, 1945, and, many experts believe, would have surrendered shortly without the A-bomb. Thus, there was no military necessity at all for the A-bomb attack against civilians. (Gar Alperowitz, Atomic Diplomacy, revised edition) 10. It was the pro-U.S. South Koreans that invaded Communist North: Korea in June, 1950, not the North that invaded the South. (K. Gupta, in China Quarterly, 1972.) 11. The United States Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) and anti-communist Cuban exiles were involved in the assassination of President Kennedy in November, 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald worked with them, rather than with the Russians. (Anthony Summers, Conspiracy) 12. Most of the 5000 or more civilian non-combatants killed in the Vietnamese city of Hue during the 'Tot' offensive in February, 1968, were killed by U.S. bombs and artillery, rather than by the "Viet Cong as reported in the 1984 PBS television series and in many books. (D.Gareth Porter, "The Myth of the Hue Massacre," Indochina Studies, 1974; reprinted in Congressional Record, 1976.) 13. According to a U.S. army colonel and military historian, the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam in the early 1970's because the American soldiers simply wouldn't obey orders; rebelled; shot their officers; and generally refused to fight the Viet Cong. (Col. Robert Debs Heinl, "The Collapse of the Armed Forces," Armed Forces Journal, June, 1971.) 14. There is much evidence that Korean Air Lines (KAL) flight 007, shot down in September, 1983 over the eastern Soviet Union by Soviet fighters with a loss of 269 lives, was in fact being used by either the U.S. or South Korea (or both) for spying. (David Pearson, in August 1984 and August 1985 issues of The Nation) http://www.chss.montclair.edu/ will we lose faith just because some person.. talks about this..and refutes this idea? ..really.. we must learn that THESE are only people of our time.. not people who were lived at the past.. we really dont know what happened in Jesus' time unless someone would device a travel machine.. coz who knows.. it might have been all lies.. but who are we to tell... have we witnessed it.. no!!... so maybe.. thats what really happened..soo what?? as a matter of fact i believe that Jesus was a revolutionist.. but not on the sense of what it stated in that article.. he was a religious revolutionist but we cannot further say that He didnt think that he will become a God ..because its He who is already thinking.. besides during his liftime.. he actually KNEW he wasnt God.. because He believed that He was,still is and forever will be Son of God

// 9/28/2005 04:42:00 PM
Title:uncyclopedia and political matters
http://uncyclopedia.org one of the BEST websites on the face of the earth.. its like wikipedia.. but its more fun take for example the page for Hitler http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Hitler i mean come on.. this is the funniest pics of Hitler there is.. and youll find it there another one:benito mussolini and then i wondered what they had for bush and gma and then they had this page for bush and guess what the heading was: ERROR 404. Weapons of mass destruction not found. hahahaha.. and then such a wonderful picture of him...singing(i guess) no comment and then the finale.... the page for philippines http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Philippines which states:"The Philippines is the nation that is on the other side of the world. It's that one that isn't China,Japan or Korea. " now..can that sentence be anymore worse? and then they have Some Useful Filipino Phrases Ang bobo mo talaga! ... ... ... To me, you are the most beautiful flower in the field. Pucha! ... ... ... Wonderful! 'Tang ina mo! ... ... ... I would like a fork please. Hoy baboy! ... ... ... Waiter! Dito sa Jolibee, bida ang sarap!.... ... ...You're my best friend! now.. whatever you have to say.. bahala kau

Tuesday, September 27, 2005 // 9/27/2005 07:22:00 PM
after four million years of waiting.. gasping for breath.... and exasperating i finally had a decent discussion on KPOP!!! yes people after that long and nasty time when i wouldnt hear any of it.. now finally with the help of my Linguistics Major friends.. my then-sleepy interest for kpop was finally awaken from its aweful grave!!!! yes.. so for the benefit of yours truly.. i dedicate this post for one of the things im passionate about.. kpop!!!! wow.. how glad i am?? well i cant express it in words.. i could actually kiss someone right now.. but certainly the probability that it would be YOU that im kissing is 1 in 10000000.. anyways back to the topic.. here are 10 of my fave kpop icons/dramas/song/etc... 1.SONG HYE KYO Name: Song Hye Kyo Korean Name in Korean fonts: 송혜교 Nationality: South Korean Born: February 26, 1982 Height/Weight: 161 cm (5' 3") / 45 kg (99 lbs.) Family: Only daughter School: Sejong University Religion: Christian http://www.hyebaragi.com/ i say she is the most gorgous woman alive.. shes very pretty, talented.. and yes i love full house 2. HUG BY DONG BANG SHIN KI my favorite boyband and one of my fave songs Harumahn nibahng eui chim nae gah dwei goh shipuh (oh baby)[Kim Jae Joong] Duh ddah seu hee poh geun hee nae poom eh gahm ssah ahn goh [Muht jin oui moh Kim Jae Joong] jae oo goh shipuh Ah joo jahk eun dwei chuhk eem doh nuh eui choh geu mahn sohk sahk eem eh Nahn ggoom sohk eui gwei mool doh ee gyuh nae buh reel tehn deh Nae gah uhp neun nuh eui hahroon uh duh geh heul ruh gah neun guhn jee Nah reul uhl mah nah sarang hah neun jeenahn nuh moo nah goong geum hahn deh (goong geumhae Nuh eui jahk eun suh rahm sohk eui eel gee jahng ee dwei goh shipuh Ahl soo uhp neun nuh eui geu bee meel dohnae mahm sohk eh dahm ah dool raenuh mohl rae Hah roo mahn nuh eui goh yahng ee gah dwei goh shipuh Nee gah joo neun mahd eet neun oo yoo wah boo deu ruh oon nee poom ahn eh suh Oom jeek ee neun jahng nahn eh dohnuh eui gwei yuh oon eem maht choom eh Nah doh ool rae jeel too reulneu ggee doh ee suh nah bwah Nae mah eum ee ee ruhn guh yah Nuh bahk gehn bohl soo uhp neun guh jee Noogoo reul bwah doh uh dee ee suh doh Nahn nuh mahn bah rah boh jahn hah Dahn ha roo mahn ah joo chin hahn nuh eui ae een ee dwei goh shipuh Nuh eui jah rahng doh ddae rohn too juhng dohdah deul eul soo ee seul tehn deh Nuhl wee hae In my heart in my soul Nah eh geh sarang ee rahnah jeek uh saek hajimahn Ee seh sahng moh deun guhl nuh eh geh joo goh shipuhggoom eh suh rah doh Nae mah eum ee ee ruhn guh yah jee kyuh bohl soo mahn ee suh doh Nuh moo kamsa hae mahn hee hengbok haenah joh geum eun boo johk hae doh Uhn jeh ggah jee nuh eui gyuht ehyuhn een eu roh eet goh shipuh Nuh reul nae poom eh (nee gah nae poom eh)gah deuk ahn eun chaegeud uh buh ryuh seu myuhn shipuhyoung wohn hee. siyempre may translations I want to be your bed in your room for just a day I want to make you go to sleep, comfortably, warmly in my arms for you, I'd win over all your problems and all your busy errands, Even the monster in your dream I wonder how a day without me passes by for you Im so curious to how much you really love me I want to be your diary in your little drawer I want to put all your secrets in my heart, without you knowing I want to be your kitty for just a day You feed it warm milk and softly embrace it Seeing your playfulness with the cat and your cute kisses to it I guess I even felt a little jealous My heart is like this You're the only person who can see it No matter who I see, or where I am,I only look at you I want to be your close lover just for a day I'd be able to listen to your accomplishments and even your complaints Just for you In my heart, in my soul Love is still something thats awkward to me butI want to you give you everything in this world Even if it would only be in my dreams My heart is like this Just the fact that I can watch over you Makes me so grateful, Im so happy, even if I lack a lot I want to be your lover forever When you are in my arms, I want to become stone So we can stay this way forever http://aheeyah.com/lyrics/dongbangshinki/dbsg_1s_tran.htm 3.KIM TAE HUI one of the personifications of beauty and brains dob: march 29,1980 soul national university http://www.tae-hee.com 4. Kim Rae Won my ultimate crush--talented,smart,handsome and knows how to play the piano and violin Born :March 19, 1981 Height : 183 cm/6' Weight : 67 kg Hobby :Fishing, Movie, Sports, Computer Games Family :parents and younger sister School :Joong Ang University Drama:My Love Patjji (Hyeonseong) Beautiful Life (Jaemin) Half of You (Jeongsik) Snowman (Sungjoon) Attic Cat (Kyeongmin, MBC 2003) to be continued..........

Saturday, September 24, 2005 // 9/24/2005 04:46:00 PM
Does your name begin with: J -You are blessed with a great deal of physical energy. When used for a good cause there is nothing to stop you, except maybe that they aren't always used for the good. (you could danced all night.) You respond to the thrill of the chase and the challenge of the mating game. You can carry on great romances in your head. At heart you are a roamer and need to set out on your own every so often. You will carry on long-distance relationships with ease. You are idealistic and need to believe in love. You have a need to be nurtured deep within. romantic?? well maybe i am... how pity im a piscean which is a sign for sensitive people needing a lot of care now this!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 // 9/21/2005 03:23:00 PM
Title:kiko machine
wala lang.. feeling ko astig sila.. as in.. just finished my 5th long exams today.. ANG HIRAP!!!!!!! grabe.. 100 items.. peste.. ang hirap talaga.. kahit si RJ nahirapan ak pa kaya buwisit well anyways nakita ko ung site nung isang member ng kiko machine http://danwashere.greatnow.com/Index.htm yan iclick mo lang.. at mapupuntahan mo na site niya nakakatawa yung site as in.. by the way.. nakita ko sila sa myx kanina.. nakakatawa yung interview nila with iya.. yun lang

Saturday, September 17, 2005 // 9/17/2005 05:29:00 PM
well... UP won 2nd place in the cheerdance competition.. uste won the 1st prize.. pero they did really great.. nagkamali sila sa isang routine.. pero ang liit lang ng distance ng score nila.. buwisit.. i think 0.2% lang ang lamang.. crazy.. i wonder how my math 17 prof would react.. sabi niya kasi he was soo confident on UP winning.. well everybody in the school did.. naman eh.. better luck next year na lang.. but it doesnt mean na i'm not happy for the pep squad.. im very proud of them.. mahirap yung ginawa nilang routines yung iba ginagawa namin sa yoga.. lalo na yung headstand na hindi ko magawa-gawa

Monday, September 12, 2005 // 9/12/2005 05:38:00 PM
hahah.. naglakad ako mula AS papuntang Eng'g.tapos hnggng admin.. tumingin kay oble.. tapos hanggang philcoa kaya mo yun? ako sa sobrang pagkadesperado namin ng mga classmate ko oo kinaya namin.. har har

Sunday, September 11, 2005 // 9/11/2005 04:23:00 PM
manny paquiao won!!! yeeehhheeeyyy!!! wala lang nakakahiya if he didnt win dba?!? buong Pilipinas nanonood sa kanya.. mabuti nanalo siya so that we can forget about some problems for a while

Wednesday, September 07, 2005 // 9/07/2005 03:14:00 PM
yesterday.. wasgood.. i have money na kc im still having problems with starting a life without a cellphone again.. but well yesterday wasnt really boring no it wasnt at all.. because of everything that happened in congress.. the activists from our school marched from AS to Batasan.. thats wwwwwaaaaaayyyyy long a distance but anyways i saw atom on that rally.. i was there on the jeepney stop near FC.. and there he was.. haha but the thing is that scene became funny.. there was this two girls running and they were like girl1: sama na tayo sa rally! girl2: ang layo. what if sumakay muna tayo ng philcoa girl1:oh cge girl2:yes makikita ko si atom.ang cute cute ni atom and damn was i like what?? crazy.. i was able to hold my laugh coz it was nakakatawa naman talaga.. akalain mo you would go to a rally just to be able to see atom araullo pero kami we see him everytime we go to AS even though he isnt a freshman na.. and from what ive heard hes from CS.. kaya ayon talagang pumunta yung 2 girls sa batasan.. nung papunta pala ako sa fc Jesus Lord!!! tamang tama nung dumaan ako ng AS nag-uumpisa na yung rally.. and the thing i hated was there were cameras all around (i have nothing against student-activists.i respect their opinions and their behaviour.besides i like them because they fight for what they believe in) naku.. then.. after all that jazz..tsk..tsk.. i watched 'life is beautiful' i still love this movie.. it still makes me laugh,cringe,smile,cry..uuurrrgghh it still has the same magic it has done to me the first,second,third,fourth and fifth time i saw it.. but still i was craving for more of it.. enough haha anyways after that hindi ako pumasok sa bio1 nakakainis kasi yung reporting eh wala lng kaya dumiretso ako sa AS where i crossed path with nestor david.. and damn was he tall.. at first i didnt recognize him.. i was like 'this guy looks familiar' and he had a smile plastered on his face.. he looks more approachable in person than in the TV screen and nung dumaan na talaga siya.. his perfume was like gosh grabe.. baka nauubos niya ang isang bottle everyday pero in fairness mabango.. at least oh well...... yun na

Saturday, September 03, 2005 // 9/03/2005 03:57:00 PM
Title:u and me
You and Me written by Jason Wade and Jude Cole what day is it and in what month this clock never seemed so alive I can't keep up and I can't back down I've been losing so much time cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do nothing to lose and it's you and me and all of the people and I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you all of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right I'm tripping inwards you got my head spinning I don't know where to go from here cause it's you and me and all of the peoplewith nothing to do nothing to prove and it's you and me and all of the people and I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you there's something about you now I can't quite figure out everything she does is beautiful everything she does is right you and me and all of the people with nothing to do nothing to lose and it's you and me and all of the people and I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you you and me and all of the people with nothing to do nothing to prove and it's you and me and all of the people and I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you what day is it and in what month this clock never seemed so alive

// 9/03/2005 02:15:00 PM
Title:nakakainis pero ok lng
i lost my phon someone stole it i was waiting for a jeepney and poof: it disappeared.. just like that.. though im angry.. its ok.. maybe the person needed more than i did but still i need the most important things that was in there.. was my high school classmates' phone nos. and also my calendar/organizer oh well..

// 9/03/2005 10:56:00 AM
i wanna go home!!! its fiesta time.. and FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE IM NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO CELEBRATE THE FIESTA IN BORONGAN im hating this feeling this is why many people dont like going that far from home nakakainis, nakakabagot, soo i wont be able to see my classmates.. kainis naman kasi ang UP bat hindi magholiday sa bday ni mama mary dba?